Wedding Rings
Wedding Rings

These are the ultimate symbols of your love to your partner with whom
you plan on spending the rest of your life. Therefore, your love and
commitment should be visible in the best manner possible. Choosing
wedding rings can get very messy, and tricky so follow this guide to
make a well-balanced decision.

Wedding Rings

Wedding Rings

Women’s Wedding Rings

Matching with Engagement Ring

Women tend to wear their engagement and wedding rings together, as a couple, with the engagement ring usually covering the wedding ring. If this is what your partner desires then you must be careful while choosing a wedding ring, making sure the pair or rings complement each other. Take in account the style, finish, depth, gemstones and precious metal you want.

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Wearing Separately

While there are some women who love symmetrical designs, wearing both rings on the same hand, there are others who prefer distinction between the two. If that’s the case, then you don’t need to worry about similar designs and complementary features. You have the freedom to look at unique wedding rings.

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Wedding Ring Styles

There are several wedding ring styles that you could choose from ranging from platinum to plain gold to sapphire to diamond rings.

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Wedding Rings

Men’s Wedding Rings

Men’s Wedding Ring Styles

Just like a woman’s wedding ring, a man’s wedding ring is also a vital expression of love & commitment.
Most couples coordinate their rings, often choosing the same metal, finish and design elements in quest of symmetry, while others select unique rings for their distinct lifestyle.
Whatever, you choose, the following guide will help you make your decision.

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Engraving & Sizing

Once you’ve made your decision regarding the wedding ring, it’s time to decide on the final touches, i.e. the engraving and the size.

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