About Sapphires Treatment

About Sapphires

Standard Heat Treatment

What is Heat Treatment in Sapphires?
Heat treatment is an accepted industry practice to improve sapphires’ clarity, color and appearance. Many sapphires get this treatment naturally as they are found close to the earth’s thermal vents that gives them a very unique color. However, sapphires that are found in “cold” spots are given synthetic heating. Note that no harmful radiations or chemicals are involved and the practice is common with majority of the sapphires unearthed today.


Treatments to Avoid

How to determine if a Sapphire has been Abused during Heat Treatment?
There are several treatments that are not yet accepted by the gemstone industry and actually diminish the value of a gemstone. The easiest and most used way to determine the originality of a sapphire is by tracking its origin. We provide a detailed document linking our sapphires’ to their origin.

— Irradiation —

Irradiations can lead to permanent changes in color at the most basic molecular level. Reputed jewelers will usually state this if they have carried out the treatment as the resultant color is far from the one nature has to offer.

— Fracture Fills —

This treatment reduces the noticeability of the cracks on a gemstone and improves its clarity. The treatment is not a permanent one and can be withdrawn from the sapphire. This can uncover any irregularities in the diamond that have been encapsulated.

— Surface Dyes —

This is also not a permanent treatment and is used to add color to the sapphire. The treatment is used to hide the true properties of a sapphire and sell it at a higher price.

— Beryllium —

A chemical element that can be added to sapphires to improve their appearance. Unfortunately, this practice is already very common and hard to detect, requiring destructive procedures.